How to Reverse Sun Damage on Skin

Many women love the light and warmth that comes from the sun. In fact medical practitioners recommend sunlight exposure as a healthy source of vitamin E during the few hours of the morning and afternoon. However, prolonged sun exposure causes extensive damage to the skin.

The harmful ultra violet rays alters the skin structure through radiation while the suns heat dries up the unprotected areas. This depletes the skins natural oils, which acts as lubricants. Women have a reason to smile because skin experts give an assurance that 99% of skin damage is reversible.

While it’s impossible to alter the cellular changes caused by radiation, it’s possible to reduce such damages as: skin sagging, broken blood vessels, wrinkles, brown age spots, sun burns, child hood burns, red spots, dark circles around the eyes, fine lines and melasma successfully. The initial step to preventing sun damage is by reducing further damage. Treatments range from laser treatments, mechanical skin peels, routine use of gels and topical creams. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons therefore recommend the following tips for a greater skin:

1. Intense Pulsed Light

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) aids in skins pigment reduction. This procedure enables the age and sunspots on the to reduce in a few days. The user can use the procedure along a few treatments to thoroughly reduce cause of skin discolorations.

2. Photodynamic Therapy

This treatment combines light and photosynthesizing medication to treat cancer causing cells and sun damage. This is a one hour process. It produces irresistible results when used together with Intense Pulsed Light.

3. Use of Fractioned Lasers

These lasers create tiny wounds known as thermal zones. In process of their healing, the lasers promotes a natural healing process thereby stimulating new collagen. The result is a tighter, smoother, even and a glowing appearancefree from sun spots on face.

4. Ablative Lasers

Ablative Lasers are stronger than fractioned laser. They work by vaporizing the skins top layer. The treatment is mostly recommended for more problematic skin damages such as deep wrinkles, deep pigmentation and extensive skin unevenness.

5. Use of hydroquinone and Retinoid

This is the most aggressive and effective skin care treatment for reversing stubborn skin damage. It gently exfoliates the skins upper layer to reveal a smooth fresh layer. Doctors recommend the formula in reducing skin uneven pigmentation and reduction of sunspots as well as lighten the face.

6. Dark Spots Correcting Cream

Dark spots correcting creams contain niacinamide compound responsible for preventing darks pots and it also acts as a gentle skin lightener.

7. Use of Chemical Peels

A good example of a chemical peels is Glycolic Acid. It gently peels the skins top layer thereby revealing a new skin free from wrinkles, uneven texture and pigmentation. It also treats other causes of skin disorders such as acnes and fine lines. Chemical peels get rid of sun spots on face in a span of 5 days.

8. Use of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are rich in Vitamin C that helps boost collagen and prevents formation of dead cells. Dr. Shamban a dermatologist recommends a natural solution to this. She advice users to blend frozen strawberries, honey and blue berries. When the mixture is applied on the skin regularly, the antioxidants gently penetrate the skin to promote collagen production, reduces harmful effects of UV rays as well as repairs the worn out tissues.

9. Use of Exfoliants

Mild exfoliants like Alpha-Hydroxyl acids (AHA) promotes faster skin cell rejuvenation. Sun damaged skin has a low skin rejuvenation rate that leads to dry, flaky, uneven and a blemished skin.

10. Continuous Maintenance

Dermatologists emphasizes that skin damage is a continuous process. Most people expose themselves daily to the harmful solar rays. Unless they stop this extensive sun exposure, skin damage will continue worsening. Therefore, doctors recommend user to undertake one laser treatment in every one or two years.


In determining the best skin regime to correct the skin damage, skin experts advice users to consults a dermatologist first. The dermatologist will examine the skin type and access the nature of the skins damage. The doctors also perform biopsy procedure in the laboratory that helps to rule out the likelihood of skin cancer. He will further recommend the best solution. The skin expert also emphasizes other factors that will yield positive results such as: the users’ willingness to be patient on recovery period, users’ budget, skin type and the degree of the skins damage. By following this process, the user is guaranteed of positive results and minimized risks to their skin problems. Above all this, dermatologists emphasize the use of a good sun bloc or a sunscreen with a sun protection Factor (SPF) of 30.


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