Know What Your Eyes Reveal About Your Health ?

It is often said that a person’s eyes provide insight into one’s soul. However, if we were to speak from a pragmatic point of view, it might be more important to mention that our eyes reveal genuinely useful information about our health. Often times, you might be suffering from a number of problems, without even being aware of them. A quick look into our eyes might be sufficient to direct us towards the right specialists. In the paragraphs that follow, we will talk about the most common health problems that can be reflected through our eyes. #1 Dark circles If you have dark circles under the eyes , you might be suffering from a number of medical conditions, such as thyroid imbalance (hypo/hyperthyroidism) or anemia. Similar changes are encountered in those who suffer from adrenal problems or in those who present intolerance to gluten/lactose. Dark circles can suggest that you are suffering from an allergy as well, so it might be a good idea to get tested and see exactly what is th...