Treating Adult Acne with Solvaderm

Acne is not just for teens. Adult acne is a skin condition that affects people in their 20s, 30s, 40s and even in their 50s. People who never had acne as a teen sometimes get acne for the very first time as an adult which is known as adult-onset acne. Adult acne commonly affects women going through hormone changes like menopause or who are taking birth control pills. Regardless of the causes of adult acne, there is help out there through products like Solvaderm.

Adult Acne with Solvaderm

Causes of Adult Acne

There are many different causes but the number one cause is hormonal changes. Male hormones that often cause teen acne are also responsible for adult acne in women who see a spike in hormones due to either premenstrual hormonal changes or menopause.

Stress is also another reason your body can have an acne flare up. Stress can cause a multitude of problems in your body: from weight gain to sleep issues. Stress is now even known to cause cancer and have effects on the fertility of both men and women. When someone is stressed their body produces a stress hormone called cortisol. This hormone causes the body to produce more sebum which makes pores more likely to clog and to see pimples.

Treatments for Adult Acne

Be sure to see your dermatologist if you feel as though you are not prepared to treat your adult acne on your own. There are great products available through Solvaderm that will help aid in the treatment of your condition. Rejuvoderm is a revitalizing and clarifying cleanser developed by dermatologists to address the specific needs of problematic, acne-prone, and oily skin. Penetrating professional strength treatment completely removes oils and impurities from pores to prevent blemishes and other skin imperfections . Keeping your face clean is imperative to clear skin. As always, it is important to wash your face twice a day which will help rid the skin of impurities, extra oil and dead skin cells.

Be sure to also use spot treatments for those pesky spots that show up at the most inopportune times! Zeroblem is a dermatologist-developed spot treatment designed to clear up breakouts quickly by intensively targeting and healing blemishes.

Lastly, be sure to moisturize and choose cosmetics that are non-comedogenic so that you aren't adding any oils or irritants that will increase your symptoms. Another great tip is to keep your hands off your face so that you aren't adding additional oils and irritants that may be on your hands and get on your face - making breakouts worse. Some people also see benefits from having regular facials that are designed to help heal and treat acne prone skin.

References: There are many options out there available to treat your skin but trust a brand that is backed by years of scientific research. Finding products that treat problems while also leaving your skin in amazing condition is so important especially as adults age. Solvaderm is the product for you.


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