Orange Triad Review: Orange Triad Vs Opti Men - Is There Any Link?

What Is Orange Triad?

Orange Triad a multivitamin, is not just a joint supplement which is used when you have joint problem, but this supplement is very different from the chart of joint pain supplement.  This is a multivitamin supplement which is taken not only for making joint strong, but for having that much power to boost you, to make your body just like an athlete. It is said to be an overall health supplement.

Orange Triad is manufactured by Controlled Labs. The official site had merged a lot of video to boost you to build body like which you can get from a gym. Orange Triad claims to work for your immune system, digestion and for joint health. It claims to be a unique mixture of minerals, nutrients and vitamin.

It highlights it point that it is iron free and you can gain results from training to have that much fit body and joints.

About Controlled Labs

Controlled Labs is said to maintain their standard of providing high quality of products. It has nearly 19 products in its row, ranging from joint support to multivitamin. They claims that their products are tested to the extremity and then and only then they are launched in the market.

They mainly focus on athlete and bodybuilder requirements. They are GMP certified. They have long list of retailer in their arsenal.

Controlled Labs give 30 days money back guarantee on their each and every product. Plus along with that it gives direction of use and warning on each product label.

Orange Triad Review

As already stated this product is specially designed for the Athlete and bodybuilder. They claim that Orange triad not only works for joint health but also for immune system and digestion.

It comes in single bottle of 270 capsule which is consumed twice daily with 3 capsule at one time with meal. Thus cost you with 59.99$ for 45 days.This Orange triad claims that it has joint and flex complex mechanism in its ingredient to improve joint health.

What Are The Ingredients In Orange Triad Multivitamin?

Ingredients present in Orange triad are lengthy. The list is as follows:    

Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B6 AND B12
Folic Acid   
Pantothenic Acid

Ingredients especially for Joint Complex:

Glucosamine Sulfate
Chondroitin Sulfate

Ingredients especially for Flex Complex:


Ingredients especially for Digestion and Immune Complex:

Echinacea Purpurea
Ginger Extract, Quercetin
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
Giant Knotweed
Blueberry Extract
Grape Seed Extract
Raspberry Seed

Is Orange Triad Safe To Use?

To evaluate safety of Orange triad, have a look over Pros and Cons of it:


  1. Iron-free; thus gentle on the stomach.
  2. No artificial color.
  3. 30 days Money back guarantee.
  4. Offer you a lot of product.
  5. Most products prices are affordable.
  6. Gives a detail FAQ's and lots of consumer testimonials on the official site.
  1. Product has concentrated mainly on the athlete and bodybuilder; not on common persons like you and me.
  2. No clinical trials available on the official site.
Orange Triad Side Effects
  • First of all side effect are already stated in the warning label of the product that it contains shellfish so may cause allergy.
  • May cause cancer.
  • Not for pregnant women; because it may cause pre-birth defeats in child.
  • May cause heart and kidney problem; if you already have any pre- medical conditions.
  • Some consumer review mentions about the urine problem, feeling tired after consuming these supplements.
Orange Triad Vs Opti-Men

'Opti-men' is a different product from the Company Optimum Nutrition. Opti-Men claim that it has 75 plus ingredients in its composition. It contains a good combination of minerals, amino acids, botanical extracts and vitamin. 

The difference between these two is that the Orange triad claims that it has extra features of maintaining the immune system as well as digestive system. But the commonality between these two products is that; it is basically for building muscles and healthy joints keeping especially for athlete and bodybuilder.

Orange Triad Customer Reviews

I have been on OT for a little over a month and so far it's been fine. I guess the vitamin part is working as I haven't gotten sick. The joint support seems to work. I've had rotator cuff issues during and after workouts, but lately it hasn't been an issue. However, I had to take three weeks off from the gym just before using OT, so I don't know if it's the OT or the rest period. Maybe both? The digestive part seems to work. It doesn't act like a laxative, but it does seem to keep me regular. I have also noticed the lack of stomach pains I'd get after eating certain foods, so maybe OT is helping in that too. I have noticed I have had to urinate way more after starting these. Maybe it's the amount of water I have to drink while taking these.

The pills are a little large and almost always get stuck in my throat due to the coating on the vitamins. The coating initially gets tacky when wet. If I don't take them with food I have to gulp water to push them down. They also leave this weird perfume taste in your mouth. Also taking 6 per day, 42 per week, is a little off-putting, but I've kinda gotten used to it.

Overall, they're good. I'm not certain I'll buy another bottle, tho. I may go back to Opti-Men and see if any benefits of OT dissipate to get a good gauge on effectiveness. But if you're interested in taking them, they're certainly worth a try.
By - smackydoodle

These vitamins carry a cancer warning (CA prop 65) on the label. The company's site states that this is a blanket warning and will be required by all supplements in the future. However, I contacted an associate/manufacturer in the supplement industry and they stated they never heard of this and looked into it further for me.

The feedback I received was that there has to be something in the supplement itself to warrant having this warning on it.

I'm not ingesting a food/supplement with a cancer label/warning on it. Really stinks I can't return this.
By - hypersona (NY, NY USA)


Have a Look Over This Video

Bottom Line

Orange Triad is a product from a good company which has expanded its market by providing a large variety of products. But still it lack clinical studies to proof its worth and the product can lead to major side effects.



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