Selfie at Gym can be a Fitspiration for Weight loss
Every New Year, people do make several resolutions such as studying for a higher degree, investing, dressing better, spending money wisely and lastly losing weight. While it is important to ensure that one is leading a healthy lifestyle, majority of people who make a resolution about losing weight never get to do so. First of all, as a working individual, your busy schedule get in the way which ultimately contributes to excuse after excuse why you cannot attend a gym. Furthermore, the resolution was a private decision . Therefore, it can be hard to find a friend who will be there for you and you for him or her. The best thing about technology is that it has eased the way people do certain things. This year, you can finally lose weight even though you attend the gym alone. You no longer have to come up with excuses thanks to a simple concept….selfies. Can selfies really help to turn an obese individual into a super motivated, super healthy, capable and enlightened individual? Acts as a ...