Does your wrinkle cream really work? FDA warns about false claims
No, that skin cream cannot reverse aging. It can’t repair DNA damage and it can’t cure rosacea. RunPhoto / Getty Images The FDA's taken on five cosmetic companies in the past five months, telling them to stop makingmedical claims for wrinkle creams. One product at a time, the Food and Drug Administration is taking on the beauty industry and some of the over-the-top claims being made for some of the products. Five warnings have gone out since November. The latest warning letter went out to Strivectin, whose wrinkle creams are sold at retailers that range from Costco to Nordstrom. The language FDA objects to? “Clinically proven to change the anatomy of a wrinkle” “This superb age-fighting serum is super charged with …potent elastin stimulating peptides” “Potent elastin-stimulating peptides help enhance skin structure” “The claims on your website indicate that the products are intended to affect the structure or any function of the human body, rendering them ...