Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week
An annual global event, Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week is held October 12-20 with activities focused on disorders including arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis and trauma. The events and projects organized by individuals and organizations worldwide are designed to raise awareness of prevention, disease management and treatments as well as advances in a number of areas. You will find activities to do and ways to become better informed below. But before that, take a look at some facts: Nearly half the American population over the age of 18 - about 48 percent - are affected by musculoskeletal (bone and joint) conditions, according to The Burden of Musculoskeletal Conditions in the United States. Bone and joint conditions are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability worldwide affecting hundreds of millions of people. Musculoskeletal conditions include back pain, arthritis, traumatic injuries, osteoporosis and childhood conditions. Unless actions ...