Is Calorie Counting the Best Way to Lose Weight?

The truth is that weight loss is all about calories. If you want to ensure weight loss, you need to learn the basics of calories. Essentially, all you need to do to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn daily. Think about it, even if you exercise 3 or more hours a day but still eat too much calories, you will naturally not lose any weight right? Calorie Counting Okay, so the main question is how much calories you burn daily. To get an estimate, you just need to multiply your weight (in pounds) by 10. This means that if your weight is 140 pounds then you burn about 1400 calories a day . You need to eat about 300-400 calories less than this amount to lose weight. This will result in a weight loss of about 2-3 pounds each week. You can also try online calculators that can help you get a more accurate number. Some calorie calculators take into consideration your activity level to determine more accurately how much calories you burn daily. Determining the Calories in Food No...