Eyelastin Review: Does Eyelastin Fix Dark Circles & Bags Under Eyes?

Image Credit - Zimbio.com Many consumers, dissuaded by the vast amounts of side effects caused by prescribed eye creams that contain Retin-A - a powerful and concentrated form of vitamin A - are turning instead to nonprescription eye creams, like Eyelastin, which cause no side effects and are as equally, if not more, effective; and because they are proven to work. Manalapan, NJ (PRWEB) September 30, 2009 Dark eye circles, bagginess and puffiness around the eyes, and wrinkles near the tear ducts (otherwise known as Crow's Feet), have forever been the primary focus of many of the eye creams which have been developed for such anti-aging purposes. However, many of the most popular brands of prescription eye creams contain an ingredient called Retin-A - a powerful and concentrated form of vitamin A - which amongst many other associated side effects that it has been documented to cause, greatly increases the skin's sensitivity to any kind of UV ray, both natural and artificial. The...